



Provides methods for automated scripts to manipulate Testopia TestCaseRuns.


Test case-runs are the mapping of a test case in a given run for a particular build and environment. There are therefore two ways to refer to a given case-run:

    By ID: The unique case_run_id
    By Combination: $run_id, $case_id, $build_id, $environment_id

TestCaseRun methods are overloaded to support either of these two methods of looking up the case-run you are interested in.


TestCaseRun->get($caserun_id) TestCaseRun->get($run_id, $case_id, $build_id, $environment_id)


 Description: Add one or more bugs to the selected test case-runs.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database.

              $bug_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                  an array of bug_ids or aliases, or a string of comma separated bug_ids. 

 Returns:     undef.
 Description: Add one or more bugs to the selected test case-runs.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

              $bug_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                  an array of bug_ids or aliases, or a string of comma separated bug_ids. 

 Returns:     undef.
 Description: Creates a new Test Case Run object and stores it in the database.

 Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values  
              matching the fields of the test case to be created. 
  | Field              | Type           | Null      | Description                                    |
  | run_id             | Integer        | Required  | Test Run Number                                |
  | case_id            | Integer/String | Required  | ID or alias of test case                       |
  | build              | Integer/String | Required  | ID or name of a Build in plan's product        |
  | environment        | Integer/String | Required  | ID or name of an Environment in plan's product |
  | priority           | Integer/String | Optional  | ID or name of priority. Default same as case   |
  | assignee           | Integer/String | Optional  | Defaults to test case default tester           |
  | status             | String         | Optional  | Defaults to "IDLE"                             |
  | case_text_version  | Integer        | Optional  |                                                |
  | notes              | String         | Optional  |                                                |
  | sortkey            | Integer        | Optional  | a.k.a. Index                                   |

 Returns:     The newly created object hash.
 Description: Remove a bug from a test case-run.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database.

              $bug_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                  an array of bug_ids or aliases, or a string of comma separated bug_ids. 

 Returns:     undef.
 Description: Remove a bug from a test case-run.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

              $bug_id - Integer: An integer or alias representing the ID of 
                  the bug in the database,

 Returns:     undef.
 Description: Used to load an existing test case-run from the database.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                  the database for this case-run.

 Returns:     A blessed Bugzilla::Extension::Testopia::TestCaseRun object hash
 Description: Used to load an existing test case from the database.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

 Returns:     A blessed Bugzilla::Extension::Testopia::TestCaseRun object hash
 Description: Get the list of bugs that are associated with this test case.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                  the database for this case-run.

 Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.
 Description: Get the list of bugs that are associated with this test case.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

 Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.
 Description: Returns the time in seconds that it took for this case to complete.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                  the database for this case-run.

 Returns:     Integer: Seconds since run was started till this case was completed.
 Description: Returns the time in seconds that it took for this case to complete.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

 Returns:     Integer: Seconds since run was started till this case was completed.
 Description: Get the list of case-runs for all runs this case appears in.
              To limit this list by build or other attribute, see TestCaseRun::list.

 Params:      $id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                  the database for this case-run.

 Returns:     Array: An array of case-run object hashes.
 Description: Get the list of case-runs for all runs this case appears in.
              To limit this list by build or other attribute, see TestCaseRun::list.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

 Returns:     Array: An array of case-run object hashes.
 Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test cases.

 Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |               Case-Run Search Parameters               |
    |        Key          |          Valid Values            |
    | andor               | 1: Author AND tester, 0: OR      |
    | assignee            | A bugzilla login (email address) |
    | assignee_type       | (select from email_variants)     |
    | build               | String                           |
    | build_id            | Integer                          |
    | case_id             | comma separated integers         |
    | case_run_status     | String: Status                   |
    | case_run_status_id  | Integer: Status                  |
    | case_summary        | String: Requirement              |
    | case_summary_type   | (select from query_variants)     |
    | category            | String: Category Name            |
    | category_id         | Integer                          |
    | component           | String: Component Name           |
    | environment         | String                           |
    | environment_id      | Integer                          |
    | isactive            | 0: Only show current 1: show all |
    | isautomated         | 1: true 0: false                 |
    | milestone           | String                           |
    | notes               | String                           |
    | notes_type          | (select from query_variants)     |
    | plan_id             | comma separated integers         |
    | priority            | String: Priority                 |
    | priority_id         | Integer                          |
    | product             | String                           |
    | product_id          | Integer                          |
    | requirement         | String: Requirement              |
    | requirement_type    | (select from query_variants)     |
    | run_id              | comma separated integers         |
    | run_product_version | String                           |
    | run_status          | 1: RUNNING 0: STOPPED            |
    | tags                | String                           |
    | tags_type           | (select from tag_variants)       |
    | testedby            | A bugzilla login (email address) |
    | testedby_type       | (select from email_variants)     |

    |                Paging and Sorting                 |
    |      Key       |            Description           |
    | dir            | "ASC" or "DESC"                  |
    | order          | field to sort by                 |
    | page_size      | integer: how many per page       |
    | page           | integer: page number             |
    |            +++++++ OR +++++++                     |
    | start          | integer: Start with which record |
    | limit          | integer: limit to how many       |
    | viewall        | 1: returns all records           |
      * The default is to only return 25 records at a time

    |                 query_variants                     |
    |      Key       |            Description            |
    | allwordssubstr | contains all of the words/strings |
    | anywordssubstr | contains any of the words/strings |
    | substring      | contains the string               |
    | casesubstring  | contains the string (exact case)  |
    | allwords       | contains all of the words         |
    | anywords       | contains any of the words         |
    | regexp         | matches the regexp                |
    | notregexp      | doesn't match the regexp          |

            |            email_variants           |
            |      Key     |      Description     |
            | substring    | contains             |
            | exact        | is                   |
            | regexp       | matches regexp       |
            | notregexp    | doesn't match regexp |

    |                    tag_variants                    |
    |      Key       |            Description            |
    | anyexact       | is tagged with                    |
    | allwordssubstr | contains all of the words/strings |
    | anywordssubstr | contains any of the words/strings |
    | substring      | contains the string               |
    | casesubstring  | contains the string (exact case)  |
    | regexp         | matches the regexp                |
    | notregexp      | doesn't match the regexp          |
    | allwords       | contains all of the words         |
    | anywords       | contains any of the words         |
    | nowords        | contains none of the words        | 

 Returns:     Array: Matching test cases are retuned in a list of hashes.
 Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting count of cases.

 Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields (see list).

 Returns:     Integer - total matching cases.
 Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the status to return

 Returns:     String: the status name.
 Params:      $name - String: the status name. 

 Returns:     Integer: ID of the status.
 Description: Updates the fields of the selected case-runs.

 Params:      $ids - Integer/String/Array
                     Integer: A single TestCaseRun ID.
                     String:  A comma separates string of TestCaseRun IDs for batch
                     Array:   An array of TestCaseRun IDs for batch mode processing

              $values - Hash of keys matching TestCaseRun fields and the new values 
              to set each field to.
                      | Field              | Type           |
                      | build              | Integer/String |
                      | environment        | Integer/String |
                      | assignee           | Integer/String |
                      | priority           | Integer/String |
                      | status             | String         |
                      | notes              | String         |
                      | sortkey            | Integer        |
                      | update_bugs        | Boolean        | 1: Reopen bugs on FAILED 0: Don't change bug status 

 Returns:     Hash/Array: In the case of a single object, it is returned. If a 
              list was passed, it returns an array of object hashes. If the
              update on any particular object failed, the hash will contain a 
              ERROR key and the message as to why it failed.
 Description: Updates the fields of the selected case-run.

 Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
              $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
              $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
              $env_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

              $values - Hash of keys matching TestCaseRun fields and the new values 
              to set each field to. See above.

 Returns:     Hash/Array: In the case of a single object, it is returned. If a 
              list was passed, it returns an array of object hashes. If the
              update on any particular object failed, the hash will contain a 
              ERROR key and the message as to why it failed.




Greg Hendricks <>